Of all the different types of apartments available, one of the most popular accommodation choices is the simple studio apartment.
These apartments are smaller and less expensive than most others are, so they are ideal for people on a low income or people who do not want or need to utilize a large amount of space. Although some people do share studio apartments, it is advised against doing so, as what is already a small space will become even smaller.
While most studio apartments are smaller than average, in some major cities, warehouse spaces are being remodeled into studio apartments that are more spacious. With these types of developments, the cramped idea of a studio apartment may not apply in your area.
There are advantages and disadvantages of living in a studio apartment. Understanding what yourself and how you prefer to live is important. Living in a studio apartment often means your ability to accumulate too many belongings will be limited. Additionally, every square inch of space must count, so if you are not given to having dual-purpose furniture or items, then you may find studio apartment living difficult. On the other hand, if you are on the go and only need a place to grab a bite to eat and sleep, then a studio apartment may be perfect.
In major metropolitan areas the studio apartment has become very popular with single people, young professionals and couples without children. Use the following information to see if studio apartment living is for you.
What is a studio apartment?
Quite simply, a studio apartment is a self-contained unit consisting of one large space that features a kitchen or kitchenette and has a separate bathroom. Studio apartments are also known as efficiency or bachelor’s apartments. The main living area can be used in a variety of ways. There is usually a designated area for the kitchen, whereas the rest of the layout can be decided by you.
Usually, people living in studio apartments will create clearly defined areas between the bed and the lounge area. Partial walls or dividers can also be used to separate living spaces. However, the size of the studio apartment typically determines such layout options. Because most studio apartments have less square footage than one-bedroom apartments, which have separate rooms for the bedroom, lounge and kitchen, studio apartments will be less expensive to rent. Warehouse studio apartments will have as much, or more, square footage than the traditional studio apartment, but will still have the one larger open space without clearly divided rooms.
What are the benefits of living in a studio apartment?
The fact that studio apartments are less expensive is one of the major benefits of living in one, but there are plenty of other good reasons to live in a smaller self-contained apartment.
Here are some of the reasons why living in a traditional studio apartment can be a wise decision:
- Lower Utility Bills: It is not just the apartment itself that will costs less. The utility bills of a studio apartment will be much less than the bills for a one-bedroom apartment or a house. This is because smaller spaces are more efficient. There is less space to heat or cool and the whole area can be lit by one strategically located light.
- Easier to Clean: A smaller space means there is less to clean. Having less to clean will give you more time to spend on other activities.
- Everything Is in the Same Room: Less space means there is less opportunity to lose things. It also means you will not have as far to walk to get something.
- Creative Freedom: Without the barrier of walls and divisions, you have creative freedom to create a layout that works for you. Adding folding partitions and walls is an easy way to achieve that, or you may prefer having one wide-open space containing both your bed and living areas.
- Live in a Great Area: By living in a less expensive apartment, you may be able to live in the heart of a hip downtown area, within easy walking distance of things like your workplace, bars and restaurants.
- Declutter: It is easy to buy possessions over the years you do not really need. If you are downsizing to a studio apartment, see it as a good opportunity to get rid of your unwanted clutter, so you can live in a fresh and streamlined environment.
What are the drawbacks of living in a studio apartment?
The main drawback of a studio apartment is it has limited space. If you own a lot of possessions or you like to cook in a large fully-equipped kitchen, a studio apartment will not be the best choice for you. Additionally, if you have a family the cramped living quarters mean you may want to think about renting a standard apartment or a house. Here are some other drawbacks you should carefully think about before deciding to live in a studio apartment:
- Finding Storage: If you already have a lot of possessions, you may not be able to fit all of them into a studio apartment. You will then need to find storage for your items, which will be an extra expense.
- Buying New Items: A smaller space means you will have to be extra cautious about your purchases. There may not be room for the dining table and chairs you would like to buy. It is not just large items of furniture you will not be able to find the room for though. It can also be the small things like a new shirt or a pair of shoes. Studio apartments will have limited closet space.
- Feeling Confined: Less space does not just mean you will have to own fewer possessions, it also means you have to get used to being in cramped conditions that can feel too crowded.
- Pets: If you have a large pet like a dog or cat, they will soon become unhappy being cooped-up. If you have a pet that needs space to roam, you should not live in a studio apartment.
- You Cannot Entertain: If you like having guests round, you will be limited as to how many you can invite. Two or three guests is pushing it in some small studio apartments. If you enjoy entertaining regularly, studio apartments will be your worst nightmare.
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