It does not matter what you are downsizing from, downsizing comfortably is key to not being overwhelmed and frustrated. Downsizing into a smaller space can be very confusing when it comes to packing and deciding what to leave behind. Whether you are moving from an estate to an apartment or into a place with your partner, downsizing has to take place in order for you to live comfortably.
Many people will say that you should just get rid of things you no longer need, but that can result in you having rebuying things in the future that work perfectly fine now, making that solution more expensive.
Getting rid of your furniture and items can be hard if you have emotional ties to the things you buy. In some cases, you may be downsizing, not because you want to, but because it is necessary for a cheaper living option.
Opting to downsize can relieve you of unwanted financial stress that a home or larger space can bring. There are also advantages to downsizing if you work in a city or want to live in one. The size and location of a living space are the two biggest concerns when considering costs. To learn how to make your move easier and more cost efficient, refer to the sections below.
Taking Inventory
Before you even assess how much space you have in your new home, it is important to take an inventory of your belongings. Write out the items that are most important to you, and what things you could live without, could replace or downsize along with your space.
You should have three lists that are composed of must haves, what you can live without and what you can replace. Must haves are the items that you have to bring with you to your new place.
The next list is things you can live without. Consider selling, donating or throwing away anything on your list of things you can live without. These should be the first things to go. The items you can replace can be sold, allowing you to have money to buy a smaller version of said item. A smaller tv is the perfect example.
You could also sell your furniture and save the money to buy furniture that does not take up as much space. Taking a full inventory of your things also allows you to have a detailed home inventory list for renters or homeowner’s insurance in the case that something happens to your valuables.
In the case that you are moving into a smaller space with someone, taking inventory is even more necessary, not just for you, but also for the person you are living with. When you go through your inventory lists together, both of you can decide what is worth keeping and what to keep in storage. This will also help you cut down on things that you have more than one of.
Selling Your Items
After you have taken inventory and established what is worth keeping and what you can get rid of, the next part of the process is parting with those items that you do not need. You want to make sure you are selling these items for what they are worth and getting the most profit out of them. Yard sales are a great way to sell the items you no longer have a use for.
Getting rid of your heavy furniture and appliances at a yard sale is smart because those items typically sell quickly and if you sell them you will not have to worry about transporting them to your new space.
If you are trying to get rid of books and computer accessories that serve no purpose, Craigslist is an efficient site where you can sell those items for profit. The more money you get from selling your items, the more items you can purchase that are size appropriate for your new, smaller space.
You should also consider the items that you own that are just in your home for backup, like extra mattresses and appliances. You keep these things, but you probably will never use them, unless something you use everyday breaks.
These items are the perfect items to sell because they only depreciate in value the longer you keep them. Selling these items will bring help you make money and allow you to spend that money elsewhere.
Though decluttering and downsizing can be hard, it is in your best interest to sell the items you do not want or need.
Staying Organized
After you have moved into your smaller space and cut down your possessions to what matters to you most, it is important to stay organized. Make sure you adopt a strict organizational routine when it comes to your smaller home or apartment.
This can eliminate the opportunity for clutter and your space becoming unorganized. You should also make sure that everything you bring with you is an item you can store in your living space, as well as something you really want or need.
A good tactic to ensure that you are not buying too many things and reversing your downsizing efforts is to trade things out. If you see something that you want to buy, get rid of a piece of furniture or appliance that you already have. For example, if you want to buy a new chair, get rid of the one you already have in your living room. This will cut down on overcrowding in your small space.
It may seem like a logical concept, but when you are shopping for new furniture, do not buy things without thinking about where they will go and how they will compliment your lifestyle.
If you are moving into a smaller space, downsizing can be a hassle when you have a lot of items. Considering what you need and what is not necessary before packing up your large space will allow the process to go smoothly. If done properly, downsizing can help you live a less stressful lifestyle and give you more financial freedom.
By Admin –